How Can You Help?
Get involved in your SC County 250 Committee.
The SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Committee (SC250) knows that the personal is powerful. Each community is best inspired by the people, places, and stories from their own community. That is why SC250 is encouraging a community driven approach to the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution.
The group will need historians but also volunteers with all kinds of skill sets. Groups are forming in many SC counties. Email us at to see if there is a group in your community.
To contact a County Committee, visit that county’s page.

Attend local events.
Follow your local committee or historic organization for their American Revolution Events. Bring your family out in support!

Sponsor local events.
While SC250 is providing some minimal start up funding, most local events will need sponsors. Check with your local group to see how you can help.

Like SC250 on social media.
Share info from us and your local group. Don’t forget to tag your posts. #SC250 #America250
Sponsor a Local Event / Support a Local Group
As we celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the events from 1770-1783, there will be numerous ways to sponsor local events. The easiest way for you as an individual, business, or corporation is to contact your County “Committee of 99” to see what their needs are. County government offices should know if a Committee has been formed in your county.
We encourage everyone to support their local American Revolution group. For example: you can purchase a Challenge Coin from the Battle of Eutaw Springs Chapter of the SC Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
You can also support these agencies and organizations who support history, preservation, and historic tourism every year:
Partner Organizations
As the SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) will eventually sunset, SC250 has nurtured two new, separate non-profit organizations. SC American Revolution Trust was established to help preserve SC’s American Revolution assets and keep them assessible by the public in perpetuity. The SC250Foundation has been established to assist our State Commission with fundraising for SC’s American Revolution 250th anniversary events and projects.