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Because South Carolina played such an important role in securing our independence, there are many events held to commemorate the Revolutionary War, including reenactments, tours and special lectures. Find one near you.

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Andrew Jackson at 258

March 15 @ 10:00 am

Lancaster County

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Molly Fortune

Molly Fortune, Executive Director

Prior to joining SC250, Molly Fortune was Executive Director at the world-renowned performing arts center, the Newberry Opera House. Under her leadership, the Opera House hosted 150+ events each year greatly impacting Downtown Newberry.


As Director of Restoration and Operations at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia, Molly was influential with the development and implementation of new strategic initiatives such as the Fox Theatre Institute, an outreach and consulting division for which she served as the Director of Restoration Consulting.


And even before her work at the Fox, Molly was employed by the Department of Defense as a Cultural Resource Specialist in Historic Preservation and Programming. Molly received her BFA in Interior Design from Converse College with a minor in Physics; received an MFA in Historic Preservation from the Savannah College of Art and Design Summa Cum Laude with Distinction.


Molly is married to LTC (ret) Christopher Kemper and has two daughters and three dogs.

Staff Member: Heather Hawkins

Heather Hawkins, Grants Manager

Heather received her BA in history from New York University, but spent over 20 years working in other fields. This SC native is excited to bring her skills to work with historic significance. As the Ticketing & Guest Experience Manager at the Newberry Opera House, she oversaw the Box office staff, coordinated events, trained volunteers, managed front of house activities like concessions, and collaborated with marketing and donor relations. Prior to the Opera House, she spent 10 years in local radio – hosting the mid-day show, selling ads, and covering local government. Other jobs include freelance writing for national magazines, working as an office manager for a promotional merchandising firm, and even a stint teaching math. She is excited to be a part of S.C. 250th celebration!

Staff Member: Mike Tyler

Mike Tyler, Site Development Manager

Mike is originally from the Lowcountry of South Carolina but now calls the Midlands home. He has been influential in numerous construction projects ranging from site acquisitions to the designing and building stages of the projects. He has been a liaison to many local, state, and private entities during these developments. While one person can bring a lot to the table, Mike is a firm believer that it takes a team effort to see projects across the finish line. When Mike is not wearing his project manager hat, he enjoys spending time with his family outdoors and being on the water with a fishing pole in hand.

Brett J. Toresdahl, CPM, Chief-of-Staff

Brett comes to us from Iowa, which did not play a role in the Revolutionary War. In fact, it was not a state until 1848 following the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 from France.


Prior to joining SC250, Brett served seven years as the Deputy Director of the Iowa Public Information Board, a state agency overseeing Iowa’s open meetings and public records laws. Before that position, he led the ISBA Public Service Project as its Executive Director for 24 years working on pro bono and access to justice issues, assisting Iowans in need of legal assistance.  Prior to that he served a term as Executive Assistant to Iowa’s first female Lieutenant Governor.


He received his bachelor’s degree in political science from Iowa State University. He earned the Certified Public Manager (CPM) designation through Drake University.


Lifelong Iowans, Brett and his wife Geleen relocated to the midlands and the beautiful state of South Carolina in 2024. They have two adult daughters and two dogs: Lily (greyhound) and Poppy (lab mix). In his free time, Brett enjoys golf, cooking, and being an aspiring stand-up comic.

Katherine Saunders Pemberton, Education & Outreach Manager

Katherine is a native of Virginia and received her BA in Historic Preservation from Mary Washington College. Katherine has worked as an archaeologist, city tour guide, education specialist, preservationist and as a museum director in Charleston for more than 30 years. Katherine also taught a graduate course in Historical Research Methods for the Clemson MS Program in Historic Preservation for nearly 20 years.


Since 2005, she has chaired the Mayors Walled City Task Force, which has sought to investigate, through research and archaeology, the history of America’s only English walled city.  Most recently, Katherine was the Director of the Powder Magazine Museum and Director of Programming for the National Society of the Colonial Dames in America in the State of South Carolina (NSCDA-SC).


Katherine’s husband James has some impressive facial hair (He placed 3rd at the 2023 national beard championships). They have three daughters and love to travel. They live in Summerville, SC.



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