Planning Your Events

Suggested County 250 Projects

SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) knows that the personal is powerful and encourages each County 250 Committee to create programming that shares larger themes through local people, places, and stories. The projects below are a brainstorm of suggested projects, but SC250 encourages groups to be creative and make it their own.

    • The following are County 250 Organizing Grant Approved Projects:
        • Strategic Planning for your Committee’s Education, Commemoration, and/or Tourism Activities

        • Survey of Revolutionary-Era People, Places and Stories

        • Historic Research and/or Archaeology of an Revolutionary-Era Site in Your County

        • Historic Research to help rediscover the often lost voices of African Americans, Native Americans, Women, and Children

        • Designing a Revolutionary-Era Trail/Tour in your County (or with Surrounding Counties)

        • Memorialize your hero/heroines’ American Revolution actions with statues, markers, art, etc.

        • Mark your 18th-century roads, trails, forts, muster grounds, churches, buildings, and other points of interest

        • Other – If you choose Other, please describe your proposed project in your application

    • Other Suggested County 250 Projects – This list is just a start! Remember SC250 will also have a Local Activity Grant launching soon.
        • Sponsor a competition for local school children. Have them write an essay or create a project on the American Revolution in South Carolina. Offer a prize or monetary scholarship.

        • Work with local organizations like Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and Sons of the American Revolution chapters to honor descendants of Revolutionary War soldiers.

        • Plant a “liberty tree” in memory of all those who died fighting for freedom during the American Revolution.

        • Contact local re-enactment groups to stage battle re-enactments and provide living history opportunities for members of your community.

        • Develop child-friendly programs that include songs, games, and crafts that would have been popular among children during the American Revolution.

        • Encourage local museums and historical sites to host 250th-anniversary exhibits and events.

        • Organize a social media campaign to keep members of your community informed.

        • Write a daily “today in history” post that outlines what happened during the American Revolution in your community or area on that particular day. Note: will soon host an 8,000+ entry searchable timeline.

        • Write a daily post that focuses on a different Revolutionary War battle/veteran from your community.

        • Maintain an updated calendar of events.

        • Develop programs that focus on underrepresented people of the American Revolution
            • Women & Children

            • African Americans (both enslaved and free)

            • Native Americans

        • Organize a Revolutionary-Era symposium that features presentations from local historians and authors of the American Revolution.

        • Sponsor home and garden tours of historic homes.

        • Encourage every home and business to fly an American flag or Betsy Ross flag on a specific day or year.

        • Organize a Sestercentennial festival with music, food, and games.

        • Implement a voter registration drive.

        • Voice your support for the expansion and funding for the SC National Heritage Corridor by contacting your state senators or congressmen.

    • Work with others. We get more done together! Plan an event with a contiguous county, national organization, or with a non-history organization like Workforce Development, etc.

  • Plan with Purpose. The gracious volunteers of The Southern Campaign of 1780 and Liberty Live have graciously shared their event planning checklist. Special thanks to Sheri Davis and Aliene Humphries.

Do you have a creative idea you would like to add to this list or share with the larger SC250 community? Email us at