Decide on a Committee Structure
- Will you have a more informal structure where those who show up get to vote on projects, etc.?
- Will you have a more formal structure with officers and a formal board? Will you follow Roberts Rules of Order or be more casual?
- Best Practices: Make sure whichever path you take that you are keeping the meetings open to the public with a process for public input and that you are publically posting meeting information in advance.
Steps for Electing Officers
- No matter the structure you decide on there will still need to be a primary contact who will act as team leader.
- Decide how elections will be held, by ballot or simply raising of hands.
- If you decide to elect officers, the following are some best practices:
- Decide on someone to run the first meeting where the election is on the ballot. This person will need to not be one of the candidates. Once elected, the team leader or chairman can take over the meeting.
- Decide on terms of office – will this person run the team through 2033? Or, for a term?
- Ask people if they are willing to be on the ballot before that meeting.
- These positions will require a time commitment, make sure the officers are those who have the time and willingness.
- Remember diversity and inclusiveness.
- Remember that the best historian may not be the best team leader. Or, he/she may be awesome. Just keep skill sets in mind when you diversify the awesomeness of your team leaders.
- Be open to nominations from the floor. It may be someone you didn’t even think about who could be great.
Steps for Running Committee Meetings
- Plan the Agenda Around a Discussion Topic
- Ex: a specific project that you would like your committee to undertake (see suggested project ideas).
- Create the Meeting Agenda
- Click here for a sample meeting agenda. After your first meeting, begin each subsequent meeting by reviewing the topic which was discussed in the meeting prior. Have there been any new developments? Gather Relevant Materials. Plan for Recording the Meeting MinutesElect someone to audio record the meeting if possible. Have this person transcribe the recording / create minutes. Send the transcribed meeting minutes to the members of the committee before your next meeting
- Keep meetings short
- < Two hours, one hour is best.
- Schedule next meeting & Review action items before ending the meeting.
Steps for Creating Sub-Committees
- Best Practices:
- Have an officer or team leader included as a member of each sub-committee.
- Have the team leader of each sub-committee report on progress at each full committee meeting.
- Have action items and deadlines reviewed at the end of each sub-committee meeting.
- Examples of Committees: Education, Marketing, Finance, Event, Trail