FY25 Grant Work Session

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Prior to the 3rd Quarter Commission meeting, a virtual Grant Work Session will be held with all Commissioners invited. This is open to the public. Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 11:30 A.M. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83812170845?pwd=2t0SfaXr7Diait8kXMFbxo2gQkeTld.1 Meeting ID: 838 1217 0845      Passcode: 771721          Dial+1 305 224 1968 QUESTIONS? Contact

Homeschool Day: Revolutionary Medicine & Diseases

Revolutionary War Visitor Center, Kershaw 250 212 Broad St., Camden, SC

Once a month, the Revolutionary War Center offers a free homeschool day where small school groups can come together and experience one of the educational programs offered by the Center.

2025 Winter Lecture Series – South Carolina Historical Society: “…I continued during the whole war”: The Exceptional Typical Military Service of Winsor Fry—Soldier of Color During the Revolutionary War

Unitarian Church in Charleston 4 Archdale Street, Charleston, SC

“…I continued during the whole war”: The Exceptional Typical Military Service of Winsor Fry—Soldier of Color During the Revolutionary War presented by Shirley L. Green, Adjunct Professor, Department of History,

FY25 Berkeley Tour and Meet & Greet

Berkeley County Museum 950 Stoney Landing Rd, Moncks Corner, SC, United States

SC250’s FY25 Quarter 3 Commission Meeting, hosted by the Berkeley County 250 Committee, will feature a tour and opportunities to learn and network with County 250 representatives and the SC250

FY25 Quarter 3 Commission Meeting

Wampee Plantation/Somerset Conference Center 1190 Chicora Drive, Pinopolis, SC, United States

SC250’s FY25 Quarter 3 Commission Meeting, hosted by the Berkeley County 250 Committee, will feature a tour and opportunities to learn and network with County 250 representatives and the SC250

“Run to the Waxhaws” Bus Tour

The darkest days of the Revolution were fought in the backcountry--the Battle of Camden and Buford's Massacre, to name a few. Our country's independence lay in the balance; how did

Lafayette Weekend

In 1824, the United States was in the throes of a very contentious national Presidential election. President James Monroe invited the last living American Revolutionary War General, the Marquis de

Join Us or Die…..from missing out!

Charlotte Museum of History 3500 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte, NC, United States

Southern Campaigns Revolutionary War Round Table (SCRWRT) announces its next Round Table to be held on March 8, 2025 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Charlotte Museum of

1825 Dinner & Lafayette Soirée

Join us for a party--1825 style! The evening begins at historic McCaa's Tavern for a gourmet dinner cooked by Chefs Justin Cherry (resident baker at Washington's Mount Vernon and proprietor

Lafayette in Hamburg

Arts & Heritage Center 100 GEORGIA AVE, NORTH AUGUSTA

On March 24, 1825, the Marquis de Lafayette paid a visit to the town of Hamburg, SC during his tour of the southern and western states of the US. Lafayette, a French aristocrat, had supported the American colonies in their struggle against the English crown. A lifelong friend of George Washington, Lafayette was celebrated with

Landmark Conference – Sumter

Central Carolina Technical College Health Sciences Center 133 S. Main Street, Sumter, SC, United States

We're looking forward to the Conference in Sumter Thursday evening through Saturday, March 27-29. Sessions and tours celebrate Sumter history in the context of state and national history. The Conference is an excellent opportunity to connect and reconnect with historians from across the state. Don't miss it!

Revolutionary War Day 2025

SC Confederate Relic Room & Military Museum 301 Gervais St, Columbia, SC, United States

More American Revolution battles were fought in South Carolina than in any other state. Everyone has something to learn from the conflict that founded our country, and the Relic Room’s full day of programs will offer something for everyone. Come spend a day immersed in history, and bring the youngsters! Join us for: See a


Lunch & Learn: Wartime Experiences of Rev. William Martin

Revolutionary War Visitors Center 212 Broad St, Camden, SC, United States

Historian, archivist, and reenactor Robert Ryals brings to life Presbyterian Covenanter Rev. William Martin’s wartime experiences. Enjoy the dramatic reenactment of a backcountry reverend’s fight for freedom against tyranny. Ryals himself portrays Rev. Martin has he recounts his six months in prison and appearance before Lord Cornwallis himself. You bring your lunch and we will

Homeschool Day: Southern Campaign Battle: The Battle of Camden

Once a month, the Revolutionary War Center offers a free homeschool day where small school groups can come together and experience one of the educational programs offered by the Center. A minimum of ten students will be needed to host these educational programs. If the minimum is not met, parents will be notified a week

SC250 Executive Committee Virtual Meeting

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Executive Committee of the SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission meets virtually on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. These meetings are open to the public. Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84944272002?pwd=4Si5oaJli7upxym7HGBRr0zaxQnUAE.1 Meeting ID: 849 4427 2002 Passcode: 221051 Phone Number: Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 Contact info@southcarolina250.com for any additional information. Agenda: Click Here

Francis Marion Interpretive Center Grand Opening

Georgetown County Museum 120 Broad Street, Georgetown, SC, United States

Join historian Carin Bloom as she sets the stage for the ribbon cutting of the Francis Marion Interpretive Center, making history come alive as she portrays Mrs. Catharine Greene, wife of General Nathanael Greene. The date was carefully selected to coincide with the 250th anniversary of the beginning of the American Revolutionary War at the

“The Shot Heard Round The World” A 250th American Revolution Event

Old Mill Pond Trail 711 E Main St, Lexington, SC, United States

Join us for a Celebration of Lexington County’s Namesake: The Battle of Lexington and Concord On April 19, 2025, from 4:00 to 8:30 p.m., history comes to life at Lexington’s Old Mill Pond Trail as the community is invited to gather for “The Shot Heard Round the World”, a special 250th-American Revolution anniversary celebration of