Revolutionary Camden
Author Derek Smith will share his well researched book that’s newly released about South Carolina’s Bloody Epicenter in the War of Independence.
Author Derek Smith will share his well researched book that’s newly released about South Carolina’s Bloody Epicenter in the War of Independence.
SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) is planning a special virtual meeting mid-quarter! Join Via Zoom: Meeting ID: 872 7309 2330 Passcode: 633828 Dial +1 646 558 8656
SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) is planning a special virtual Gathering of stakeholders and County 250 teams to discuss topics like how to engage with your County and City representatives. The public is welcome! Join Via Zoom: Meeting ID: 845 4785 6873 Passcode: 927073 Dial +1 305 224 1968
Author Derek Smith comes to the Revolutionary War Visitor Center to share his latest book about Camden during the Revolutionary War. With two major battles occurring in Camden, Smith argues that this small frontier town was crucial to British success or failure in the Southern Campaign. Books will be available for purchase before and after
Sumter 250 Presents Talk on Spain's Contribution to the American Revolution. Guest speaker: Dr. Harold Thomas Gonzales, Jr. EdD., Lt Col USAF, Retired. Location: Temple Sinai Jewish History Center, A Permanent Exhibit of the Sumter Museum.
Once a month, the Revolutionary War Center offers a free homeschool day where small school groups can come together and experience one of the educational programs offered by the Center. A minimum of ten students will be needed to host these educational programs. If the minimum is not met, parents will be notified a week
The Executive Committee of the SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission meets virtually on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. These meetings are open to the public. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 849 4427 2002 Passcode: 221051 Phone Number: Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 Contact if you have any questions. Agenda: Click
Join local historians and Andrew Jackson Park staff for presentations and a discussion time focusing on the Battle of Hanging Rock. Learn about the men who fought there. Discover what this battle meant to the course of the American Revolution. Analyze the effect of what happened here on other events in the history of our
JOIN US TO RELIVE HISTORY A weekend full of national and local history on the Graham Historic Farm. This event is great for all ages. This living history event celebrates the Pee Dee area’s influence in winning the American Revolution through its community support of Francis Marion and his men who staged attacks on the
Learn how to become a villain by diving into Banastre Tarleton’s character and leadership style. Joe Long, Curator of Education at the Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum, with the use of his signature humor and oratorical skills will bring to life Banastre Tarleton and evaluate the man Americans love to hate. Lunch to be
The Tory’s Wife: A Woman and Her Family in Revolutionary Carolina presented by Cynthia A. Kierner, Professor of History, George Mason University The Spurgin family of North Carolina experienced the
Learn best practices and see a demo about SC250 Grant applications. Register here: