
Grant Program Goals

SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) Grants support the American Revolution in SC public programs, scholarly research, and historic tourism projects.


SC250’s goal is to engage each county and community in South Carolina, aiding them in rediscovering their unique American Revolution historical significance, and helping each community to share that story with locals and tourists alike.


In addition, the Commission also wants to intentionally seek out and give voice to previously disenfranchised groups; discovering the stories of SC’s African Americans, Native Americans, and women and children who were essential to the birthing of a new nation.


All programs should be designed to be accessible by a broad audience, to serve citizens in urban and rural settings, and to make possible programs, research, and sites that illuminate and enrich the lives of every person at every age.

Programs & Grants

Grant Programs

SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) Grants support American Revolution in SC (1770-1783) education and cultural tourism projects. Available grant amounts are dependent on funding from the South Carolina State Legislature each year.

Learn More About Grant Programs

Types of Competitive Grants

The SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) offers one $3,000 Non-Competitive Organizing Grant to each official County 250 Committee. SC250’s Competitive Grants now come in the following levels Monthly Grants (up to $15,000), Major Grants ($15,001 to $125,000), and Premier Grants ($126,000+).

Learn More About Competitive Grants

We Are Here To Help

SC250 Commission would like to allocate to as many communities around the state as possible so please call or email us to discuss your project before you apply to make sure you have everything you need for your application. You can also sign up for a one-on-one virtual consultation.

Call Us Email Us Schedule A Consultation

SC250 Webinars

The South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250) each year hold a series of webinars to help counties get organized, groups apply for grants, and opportunities to learn more about the amazing role SC played in the founding of our nation.

View Webinars

Grant Recipient Guidance

Through the award, the Commission hopes to form a partnership wherein we provide support to your project and in turn we learn more about and contribute to further telling the story of the Revolutionary Era (1770-1783) in South Carolina. We share your goal to tell a more inclusive story and capture history for the future.

Take Me There

Application/Project Planning

  • Does the project deal specifically with the American Revolution Era in South Carolina as defined by SC250 (1770 Boston Massacre – 1783 Treaties of Paris / not French & Indian War or the forming of government in the new United States – great topics but not in the Commission’s scope)?
  • Does it fit the Commission’s pillars of Education and Cultural Tourism?
  • Does it Tell a More Complete Story (including and seeking out related stories of African Americans, Native Americans, women & children, Loyalists, etc. if applicable)?
  • If you are not the County 250 Committee, have you gotten the committee’s buy in for your project?

Special Thanks & Citation

SC250 would like to thank the many SC State Agencies who advised on the establishment of these grant programs and from whose grant programs much of the verbiage for these grants was borrowed – not limited to SCDAH, SCPRT, SC Humanities, SC State Library, SC Conservation Bank, SC Arts Commission, SC Dept. of Education, SC Procurement, SC Dept. of Admin, and the SC Attorney General’s office.
