Submit A Historical Site

Thank you for submitting a historical site. We’re continually updating and sharing information about the many important places and events that helped South Carolina secure our country’s independence. Like all submissions, we will review for accuracy before publishing.

Historical Site Location
Historical Site Type (Please select all that apply)
Max. file size: 5 MB.
Site Description (This will be displayed on the website)
Who owns the site? Do we have written permission from the owner to allow the public access?
Is the site safely accessible to the public? If not, what needs to be done to make it accessible?
Does the owner or site representative have a long-term maintenance program in place to ensure site access and public safety.
Is the site interpreted with signage? If not, what is the visitor experience going to be like?
What is the historical significance of the site?
Are there other sites nearby that tell the same story or tie into the story being told?
Is this site part of a larger (County Tour/Trail)?